Amphibian Ark’s mission is to ensure the global survival of amphibians, focusing on those that cannot currently be safeguarded in nature. To help achieve our mission, we carry out a number of varied activities:
- Raising awareness about the global amphibian crisis. We can all play a part in helping to save amphibians, via the internet, newsletters and global campaigns.
- Developing new partnerships, and helping to strengthen exiting ones, between amphibian conservation organizations, especially those involved in amphibian conservation programs in zoos, aquariums and private facilities and the Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA).
- Developing and running amphibian husbandry and conservation training courses in regions and countries where additional expertise is required. This includes the development of husbandry manuals and guidelines.
- Facilitating conservation needs assessment workshops, where regional amphibian experts help to determine and prioritize the conservation needs for species in their regions, and making the results of these workshops available to the wider amphibian conservation community.
- Promoting the successes that our partners are achieving with their amphibian conservation programs.
- Initiating Advisory Committees to assisting our partners with population management, biobanking, husbandry/biosecurity and other technical areas.
- Raising funds to help support much-needed conservation programs, by applying for grants and by promoting contributions from the corporate sector and the general public.
- Providing conservation grants to fund small start-up projects that are in need of seed money in order to build successful long-term programs that attract larger funding.