What has the Seadragon Foundation Inc. got to do with the amphibian conservation and the Amphibian Ark? What have marine conservationists got to do with amphibian conservation?

Jean-Michel Cousteau, the son of ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau and founder of the Oceans Future Society, joins Sir David Attenborough, Jeff Corwin, and thousands of zoos, aquaria, and conservation organizations to support Amphibian Ark in rallying our planet to avert this mass extinction.

If you thought the EDGE Mammals were strange, we now invite you to enter a world where creatures give birth through the skin of their back, can live without lungs, and may survive without food for over ten years.

Some EDGE amphibians, such as the Chinese giant salamander and axolotl are relatively well known, but others, such as the lungless salamanders of Central America, the worm-like Sagalla caecilian, and the mouth brooding Chile Darwin frogs (which carry their young in their vocal sac), remain poorly understood.

Visit the EDGE amphibian site now!