Resolviendo problemas de manejo de anfibios

situ program management. Each section is complemented with links to other relevant resources and materials. (See General Guidelines for Managers and Supporters of Amphibian Captive Breeding Programmes). Studying the b
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Otros Documentos de Anfibios

Briefing Book – 14-17 May 2007, Bagamoyo, Tanzania IUCN/SSC (2013). Guidelines for Reintroductions and Other Conservation Translocations. Version 1.0. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN Species Survival Commission, viiii + 57 pp. IUCN...
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Una nueva especie el nombre en honor del Príncipe de Gales

...Otonga. Luis is a proud member of the Amphibian Ark global network, which facilitated the event with the Prince. More information can be found in these articles:
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Litoria booroolongensis

Reintroduction programs are being undertaken. Ex situ programs: Two geographical populations have been established at Taronga Zoo, Sydney ( with an additional population at the Amphibian Research Centre (www.frogs.o
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Gastrotheca cornuta

Species name: Gastrotheca cornuta Common name: Horned Marsupial Frog Red List status: Endangered ( Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador Habitat: Gasthrotheca cornuta is found mainly
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Bufo nebulifer

Species name: Bufo nebulifer Common name: Coastal Plains Toad or Gulf Coast Toad Red List status: Least Concern ( Distribution: Found in a wide variety of habitats along the Gulf...
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Entrenamiento para Manejo

...mailing list including all students and instructors to facilitate group communication beyond the workshop. More information For more information and sample worksheets please download the complete AArk Training Course Prospectus....
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Videos de nanotraining de cría

...Haga clic en cada imagen de video para ver la presentación. El conjunto completo de videos también está disponible como una lista de reproducción en YouTube. Biosecurity Principles: Ex Situ...
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Global Amphibian Declines, Loss of Genetic Diversity and Fitness: A Review

...genetic variability. Indeed, ongoing loss of genetic variation might be an important underlying factor in global amphibian declines. Keywords: amphibian conservation; fitness; genetic diversity; genetic drift; inbreeding Full article: http://www.mdpi.comRead More

Justin Claude Rakotoarisoa

...with the tourists. I also did different types of research with visiting biologists about lemurs and then insects before I helped study frogs. Then I worked with frogs with a...
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