Geocrinia alba

Species name: Geocrinia alba Common name: White-bellied Frog Red List status: Critically Endangered ( Distribution: South-west Western Australia: north and west of the Blackwood River between Marg
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Geocrinia vitellina

Species name: Geocrinia vitellina Common name: Orange-bellied Frog Red List status: Vulnerable ( Distribution: South-west Western Australia: Blackwood River National Park (east of the Leeuwin-Natu
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Telmatobius culeus

Species name: Telmatobius culeus Common name:Lake Titicaca Water Frog Red List status: Critically Endangered ( Distribution: Endemic to Lake Titicaca (Peru and Bolivia). Habitat: This frog is ful
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Estadísticas de declive de anfibios

...2020. 10%: porción de especies de anfibios en peligro de extinción que la comunidad mundial de zoológicos, universidades y organizaciones privadas de conser
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George and Mary Rabb

Beca de Investigación del Arca de Anfibios George y Mary Rabb

This fellowship supports early or mid-career scientists and conservationists in research-based professional development that furthers amphibian conservation. Applicants must have completed their PhD, and be less than 8 years postdoctoral....
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Videos del Simposio de Translocación de Anfibios

...success of reintroductions and monitor the outcome of reintroductions across time. IUCN SSC Guidelines on the Use of Ex-situ Management for Species Conservation Kristin Leus IUCN’s revised guidelines on the...
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1.6 million acres in 27 California counties set aside as frog habitat

...with about 90% of the impacts on new development. Of the total cost, $48.4 million of the cost is projected crop loss. Copyright 2010 Los Angeles Times –
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Following public outcry, New Zealand drops plan to mine protected areas

Jeremy Hance, The New Zealand government has caved to public pressure, announcing that it is dropping all plans to mine in protected areas. The plan to open 7,000 hectares...
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Llamado a la Acción

...conservación, como nos han acusado nuestros críticos. No sólo somos los únicos calificados para la tarea, el resto de la comunidad científica espera que respondamos. «Los datos actuales indican que...
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AArk Boletínes

...amplia distribución del Boletín de AArk, tanto dentro como fuera de la comunidad de conservación de anfibios, para compartir tus recientes éxitos y actualizaciones de tu programa ex situ de...
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