Projected Loss of a Salamander Diversity Hotspot as a Consequence of Projected Global Climate Change

...eight species included within two species complexes). We evaluated the relative change in suitable climatic habitat for these species in the Appalachian Highlands from the current climate to the years...
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Epidemic disease decimates amphibian abundance, species diversity, and evolutionary history in the highlands of central Panama

...and following disease outbreak. We present a community-level assessment combining long-term field surveys and DNA barcode data describing changes in abundance and evolutionary diversity within the amphibian community of El...
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The World Congress of Herpetology 7

...2012. Vancouver has a magnificent setting on the Pacific Ocean, is a world-class conference city and offers a wealth of scientific resources and entertainment. More information is available on the...
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Ganadores de la subvención 2020

...revisados por nuestro Comité de Revisión de Becas, aquellos resúmenes aprobados son invitados a presentar una solicitud completa. Los comentarios recibidos del Comité de Revisión
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Geocrinia vitellina

Species name: Geocrinia vitellina Common name: Orange-bellied Frog Red List status: Vulnerable ( Distribution: South-west Western Australia: Blackwood River National Park (east of the Leeuwin-Natu
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...protect amphibians and key habitats worldwide, in addition to educating and inspiring a global community to become a part of the amphibian conservation movement. To find out more visit
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Geocrinia alba

Species name: Geocrinia alba Common name: White-bellied Frog Red List status: Critically Endangered ( Distribution: South-west Western Australia: north and west of the Blackwood River between Marg
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Spicospina flammocaerulea

Species name: Spicospina flammocaerulea Common name: Sunset Frog Red List status: Vulnerable ( Distribution: South coast of Western Australia: east and north-east of Walpole. Habitat: Permanently
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AArk Boletínes

...No. 44 Septiembre 2018 Boletín No. 43 Junio 2018 Boletín No. 42 Marzo 2018 Boletín No. 41 Diciembre 2017 Boletín No. 40 Septiembre 2017 Boletín No. 39 Junio Read More

Llamado a la Acción

...conservación, como nos han acusado nuestros críticos. No sólo somos los únicos calificados para la tarea, el resto de la comunidad científica espera que respondamos. «Los datos actuales indican que...
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