Assessment Results

Completed assessments and recommended conservation actions can be found in the Conservation Needs Assessment program at Amphibian Ark Taxon Officers help to coordinate all aspects of implementation within the
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Litoria castanea

Species name: Litoria castanea Common name: Yellow-spotted Bell Frog Red List status: Critically Endangered ( Distribution: Formerly over the Northern, Central and Southern Tablelands of NSW, Aus
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Litoria aurea

Species name: Litoria aurea Common name:Green and Golden Bell Frog Red List status: Vulnerable ( Distribution: South-eastern Australia. Habitat: This species is most often associated with ephemer
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Projected Loss of a Salamander Diversity Hotspot as a Consequence of Projected Global Climate Change

...of global circulation model have relatively small affects on what is significant projected loss of habitat for many salamander species that currently occupy the Appalachian Highlands. Read full article:
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Amphibians as Pets

...for enjoyment and education. However, keeping an amphibian (or any pet) in captivity is a real commitment to its well-being for the entirety of its possibly very long life. Recommended...
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Welcome to the Amphibian Ark

[layerslider id=”3″] Amphibians are an important component of the global ecosystem, as indicators of environmental health and contributors to human health. They watched the dinosaurs come and go, but today...
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AArk Seed Grant

New grants program! In June 2018 we launched our new Conservation Grants program, which replaces our old seed grant program. Click here for all the details....
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Carlos Andrés Galvis Rizo

...can remember, I have been passionate about all animals. My father was also a lover of nature and motivated me tremendously to become a biologist. He often gave me books...
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Luke Jones

hopefully pushed a few more individuals towards pursuing a career in conservation. The role also helped me to develop skills in community outreach and public engagement, experiences that have proven...
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Green and Golden Bell Frog

...areas, and lots of research into its threats and conservation have been done. Newcastle University have an active research and reintroduction program for this species, investigating the impact of disease...
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