AArk Conservation Grant Winners

Amphibian Ark is pleased to announce the past recipients of our Conservation Grant program. This $5,000 competitive grant is designed to fund small start-up projects that are in need of...
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World Frog Day

...you build it, frogs will come! If you are surrounded by development and they don’t come, rescue eggs and tadpoles from local pools and use them to seed new populations...
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Ex Situ Conservation Training Workshop Topics

...aspects Practicalities and resources Education Exhibits and interpretives overview Conservation education Ex situ Research Bridging the gap between living collections and research Planning for research within existing programs In S
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Amphibian extinction crisis continues

...484; Endangered = 754; Vulnerable = 657] Total Near Threatened = 382 (6%) Total Data Defficient = 1,597 (25%) Total LC = 2,372 (38%) Download the complete amphibian facts document....
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Raising Awareness

amphibian news. Facebook – our Facebook page currently has over 8,000 Likes, and is a great place for our partners, colleagues and friends to share their own stories and news...
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Amphibian Videos

AArk has produced several high resolution videos that you are welcome to download and use in your amphibian displays: Promotional video (2012), very high resolution (3 minutes, 314 MB) Leaping...
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Grant Writing Webinar Videos

...applications often include working with local people, education components, and has some on the ground impact on wildlife. The Columbus Zoo Fund for Conservation integrates conservation research, local community involvement,...
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Sri Lankan Kandyan Dwarf Toad

...over the course of a two-year study in the region. This toad is now listed in IUCN Redlist of Threatened SpeciesTM as ‘Critically Endangered’. The Sri Lankan Kandyan Dwarf Toad...
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Luis Carrillo

...amphibian conservation and management through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums course and then eventually through training courses and professional visits to conservation projects and private collections. With a background...
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Subscribe to our free quarterly newsletters, and we’ll send you your own copy via email each March, June, September and December. * indicates required   Email Address:  *   First Name:  *...
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