Sri Lankan Kandyan Dwarf Toad

...over the course of a two-year study in the region. This toad is now listed in IUCN Redlist of Threatened SpeciesTM as ‘Critically Endangered’. The Sri Lankan Kandyan Dwarf Toad...
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How Others Help

and parents were invited to a class celebration. In Mrs. Oldenborg’s 4th grade class, the students got an opportunity to combine their study of frogs and toads with their desire...
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Founder Animals

One of the most important aspects of establishing a new ex situ population is obtaining sufficient founder animals (unrelated individuals who help establish a population), but unfortunately, this is often...
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Titicaca Water Frog

...the species was bred for the first time in 2012. Both of these institutions are also involved in further field research. Denver Zoo in the US plays a large role...
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Federico Kacoliris

...I still remember during a summer vacation in a rural town, a combination of prime weather conditions allowed for an explosive breeding event of the Argentinean Common Toad (Rhinella arenarum)....
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Luke Jones

to be priceless when it comes to the level of community engagement required of a re-wilding project such as the Mountain Chicken Recovery Program. Which brings me to where I...
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Enrique La Marca months later) upon further study required a change from their sub-species designation to a full species designation. One year later, I had a total of twenty collected specimens, of...
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CNA Survey

...and the resulting conservation recommendations are available at We’d like to ask you to complete a short survey on your experience with the assessments. Your feedback will help us...
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...protect amphibians and key habitats worldwide, in addition to educating and inspiring a global community to become a part of the amphibian conservation movement. To find out more visit
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Neftalí Ríos-López

...that we wanted to share our experiences with you – though at this stage, only in Spanish – at I also have a field component focused on studying the...
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