Monitoring Progress much work to be done improving existing programs and initiating new programs for priority species not yet rescued. The AArk strongly recommends that all steps are achieved to ensure...
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Global Amphibian Declines, Loss of Genetic Diversity and Fitness: A Review

...genetic variability. Indeed, ongoing loss of genetic variation might be an important underlying factor in global amphibian declines. Keywords: amphibian conservation; fitness; genetic diversity; genetic drift; inbreeding Full article: http://www.mdpi.comRead More

Rescue Species

Without immediate captive management as a stopgap component of an integrated conservation effort, hundreds of species could become extinct. Because the resources available to zoos and aquariums are limited, the...
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Geocrinia vitellina

Species name: Geocrinia vitellina Common name: Orange-bellied Frog Red List status: Vulnerable ( Distribution: South-west Western Australia: Blackwood River National Park (east of the Leeuwin-Natu
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Geocrinia alba

Species name: Geocrinia alba Common name: White-bellied Frog Red List status: Critically Endangered ( Distribution: South-west Western Australia: north and west of the Blackwood River between Marg
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Spicospina flammocaerulea

Species name: Spicospina flammocaerulea Common name: Sunset Frog Red List status: Vulnerable ( Distribution: South coast of Western Australia: east and north-east of Walpole. Habitat: Permanently
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CNA Survey

...and the resulting conservation recommendations are available at We’d like to ask you to complete a short survey on your experience with the assessments. Your feedback will help us..
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Neftalí Ríos-López

...that we wanted to share our experiences with you – though at this stage, only in Spanish – at I also have a field component focused on studying the...
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Plectrohyla dasypus

...fungus is found throughout its habitat, establishing captive populations will be very important for its survival. The ‘Honduran Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Center’ is a new effort supported by a...
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José Alfredo Hernández Díaz

...toads in the garden. I liked to hear them calling on rainy days. Then I grew up and decided to become a biologist. While I was studying my Biology degree,...
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